If you search out a passage on the very helpful “Bible Gateway” website, you will discover that among their resources are over 60 different English versions of the Bible and dozens of others in different languages, including languages you might never have heard of. There is no one version that is right, nor one that is the most accurate, or any one of them more ‘real’ than the others. The bible is a collection of writings from many different sources and eras, and began as an oral tradition that was passed down over time for generations before it was ever written down. Many ancient scrolls and fragments and different written versions have been found, but there is always variation among them. And then there’s the issue of translation. Each language is unique, and there are significant differences even among people who speak the same language - and every translator sees things a little differently. In the end, what we have is a document that is as diverse within itself as people are diverse themselves, and every different translation throws a new light on what this living, complicated Word of God is saying to us today.

The Word Lab is a group of word-curious people who get together once a month to look at one of the upcoming Sunday’s readings in a variety of different translations, whether in English or beyond. We note the differences between them and talk over what that might say about the passage’s meaning. We’ve been surprised at the variety we’ve found and this has enhanced our understanding of our faith. If you’d like to get into the conversation about the many different words used for God’s Word, come and join us!

We meet in the church study on the last Sunday of the month from 4-5 pm. If you’d like to do some reading ahead, here are the passages for some of our upcoming meetings:

December 30 - Second Sunday of Christmas: Matthew 2:13-15,19-23

January 27 - Presentation of the Lord gospel: Luke 2:22-40

February 24 - Last Sunday of Epiphany gospel: Luke 9:28-36

March 31 - Fifth Sunday of Lent gospel: John 12:1-8

April 28 - Third Sunday of Easter: Acts 9:1-20

June 2 - Pentecost Sunday: John 5:1-9 (skipping a week due to Memorial Day)

Word Lab summer break