Making a Commitment to My Faith
Membership at St. James
Confirmation or Reception in the Episcopal Church
How do I become a member of St. James?
Though over 46% of Episcopalians did not grow up in an Episcopal church, many of us who grew up in another (or no) tradition have felt we’ve found our spiritual home in the ancient liturgies and open minded theology of the Anglican tradition. And then sometimes, people feel the inner tug to mark and honor their membership officially.
To be a member, or what we call a “communicant” or “baptized member” of any particular Episcopal church is really easy. All you need to do is receive communion at that church three times during the year. To be a “communicant in good standing,” you need to be added to our official parish register as a baptized member of our church (and if you’re not baptized, we can help!) Communicants in good standing show up regularly and contribute actively to the ministry of the parish through the giving of your time and your resources, including a yearly pledge to the church. Communicants in good standing are also welcome to vote at church annual meetings. If a group of newcomers expresses the desire to join the church, we set a Sunday at which they are invited up to the front of the church during the welcome on a Sunday and say a special prayer of welcome. Then we celebrate our new members at social hour, and officially put their names in the big St. James ledger book. The Episcopal 101 series is designed to introduce you to St. James and the Episcopal tradition. We encourage all our newcomers to attend this five session series to get to know more about the church.
Sometimes a member who did not grow up in the Episcopal tradition wants to make a more spiritual commitment to their life of faith and their Anglican identity - and officially become an Episcopalian. Happily, in our tradition, there is a liturgical rite for this very thing. It is called confirmation for those who have not yet been confirmed by a bishop, and it is called reception for those who have already been confirmed by a bishop of a different denomination. During a liturgy when our bishop is present, the bishop lays hands on each confirmand and prays a special blessing to confirm or receive them.
Confirmation/reception at James is someone’s active and willing “yes” to choosing to live life in the way of Jesus - as a Christian in the Episcopal fold - or as a member of the “Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement,” as our presiding bishop Michael Curry puts it. Confirmands (the name given to those who are considering confirmation or reception) put aside some preparation time to study and explore the Episcopal tradition independently and with others at church, and they are also each are paired with a faith companion who’s been a practicing Episcopalian for a while, and who will serve as their sponsor at the confirmation liturgy. It is hoped that these pairs will develop a long term and mutually supportive spiritual friendship.
In the not so recent past, people might have been confirmed at age 13 or younger in Episcopal churches and often admit, looking back, that it didn’t mean much to them at the time. For this reason, the confirmation service can also include a formal re-affirmation with the bishop, for those who would like to consciously re-affirm their baptismal vows. This part of the liturgy is for people who have already been baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal church, but have felt a new and deeper sense of call to their faith and would like to publicly affirm afresh their identity as disciples with the bishop. Those wishing to re-affirm their baptism might also choose to take part in the confirmand’s group.
Any baptized person (baptized in any Christian tradition) age 16 or older are welcome to prepare for confirmation if they personally feel called to do so. Unlike baptism, which can be initiated by parents on behalf of their children, confirmation is meant to spring from inspiration within the confirmand. Therefore, in recent years the Episcopal church has recognized confirmation as an adult rite. There is no reason to “get confirmation done” by a certain age, nor is it ever too late to be confirmed. Confirmation is a joyful personal choice, an intentional affirmation of faith and a powerful experience for those who feel called to it, no matter what age they are. Elsa encourages people to wait for confirmation until they feel personally drawn to it themselves. Parents may feel they want to encourage their teenagers to take part in the confirmand’s preparation group, but they must be willing to allow their teen decide whether or not they are personally ready to be confirmed after participating in it. Once confirmed, all the confirmands, including any teen confirmands, will naturally be expected to participate in the life of the church as communicants in good standing to the best of their ability, either at St. James or at another Episcopal church, since making a conscious, adult commitment to life-long Christian practice is the whole point of confirmation.
The bishop has not yet scheduled his next visitation at St. James, but it could be as early as this fall, or if not, probably sometime in 2023. If you think you might be interested in any of these opportunities, or have any further questions, contact Elsa.