Palm Sunday - April 13, 9:30am

Our Palm Sunday service begins on the front lawn of St. James. After some readings, prayers we head out for our annual Palm Sunday procession around Central Square, waving our palms. (if it’s pouring, we’ll just walk around the church building, and if you’re not feeling up to the walk, you can always wait in the church for the procession to return.) When the people return, the service changes mood as we hear a dramatic passion gospel reading and share eucharist. Palm Sunday is the entrance to Holy Week and commemorates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.

Maundy Thursday - April 17, 6pm

The Maundy Thursday service enacts the Last Supper and prepares us for the events of Good Friday. The service begins with readings, prayers and a footwashing. (Don’t be shy! Everyone has feet). We then come together around a table, right in the church to share a simple meal together, much as Jesus and his disciples did after they washed one another’s feet. Instead of having a formal communion, we’ll bless the food and the wine in the same way people in Jesus’ time might have done, in what was called an Agape meal. After we’ve eaten, we’ll clean up and put away the tables, and then enact the annual ‘stripping of the altar,’ in which all the decorative items in the front of the church church are stripped away, leaving a bare and barren church for the solemn celebration of Good Friday the next day.

If you’re able, please bring a plate of simple middle eastern foods, such as hummus, vegetables and dips, stuffed grape leaves, pita bread or other easy to eat and serve fare to share. Set all the food on the table before we begin the service.

Good Friday - April 18, 7pm

This quiet service includes the solemn prayers of Good Friday, which commemorates the crucifixion. The prayers are for all who are suffering in this world. There is no music or communion on Good Friday, but it is a very moving service nonetheless.

The Holy Vigil of Easter - April 19, 8pm

After dark on Easter eve, we kindle a ‘new fire’ and come together to hear the ancient stories of God’s salvation, sitting in the dark holding candles. At St. James we simplify this often ornate and long service into a more casual gathering around a ‘campfire.’ This year, our fire will be kindled in the front of the church, in the same spot where we had dinner together a few nights before. After we read some of the ancient stories, the bell will ring, the lights will all come on, the beautiful lillies will be able to be seen, and Easter music rings out. The Easter vigil is the symbolic arrival of Easter, the celebration of Jesus rising from the grave.

Easter Morning - April 31, 9:30am

Our Easter morning service has everything you would expect and hope for - hymns, brass, choir, bells and lots of joy. After travelling through Holy Week, it feels all the more joyful to arrive at the day of new life in Christ. Following the service we share in a celebratory pot luck brunch. Bring your most special pot luck offerings to share on this most holy day of the Christian year!