Music Program 

Organist/Director of Choirs:  Walt Sayre            

My name is Walt Sayre. I am the Organist/Director of Choirs for St. James Episcopal Church. My goal is to provide the best sacred music to accompany our church services, while at the same time providing a joyful, fun environment for the many dedicated volunteer musicians who make this possible. 

We have many opportunities for the congregation to participate in making music at St. James services. 

Rehearsals are held every week for Senior Choir and Bell Choir. The orchestras and small ensembles meet on an as-needed basis for special music arrangements. 

For more information, contact Walt Sayre, Minister of Music

Bell Choir

Organist/Director of Choirs:  Walt Sayre

The Bell Choir has twelve full-time members. This group rehearses from September through May on Thursday nights from 5:30-7:00 pm.

The Bell Choir plays at the 10:00 am service once a month except during Christmas and Easter at which time they play additional services.

For more information contact Walt Sayre, Minister of Music

St. James Choir

Organist/Director of Choirs:  Walt Sayre

There are officially 20 members in the Senior Choir. This group rehearses every Thursday night from September through May from 7:00–8:30 pm, and every Sunday morning from 9:00-9:40 am.

They sing at all 10:00 am Sunday services as well as special services during Holy Week. This year, the Senior Choir will continue to sing a wide variety of sacred music, including classical, contemporary, folk, world music, and spirituals.

For more information contact Walt Sayre, Minister of Music


Organist/Director of Choirs:  Walt Sayre

Youth/Adult Orchestra: The Youth/Adult Orchestra plays twice a year for “Youth Sundays.” They have three or four rehearsals after the 10:00 am service before the Sunday they play. There is an excellent instrumental balance of fourteen musicians. Experienced instrumentalists mentor the younger members.

Other Ensembles

In addition to these groups, St. James has been blessed with many small ensemble musical offerings. Groups that have formed include our Jazz Ensemble, Dixieland Jazz Ensemble, Recorder Group, Hammer Dulcimer Group, Brass Quintet. We appreciate all of our volunteer musicians who consistently go above and beyond to make our music program at St. James so great.

For more information contact Walt Sayre, Minister of Music

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