St. James is a church of people guided by the Holy Spirit who worship God, follow the Gospel of Jesus, love and connect with each other and walk alongside of the most vulnerable members of our community.
Our Sunday Service is at 9:30 and you are invited.
Come in person or watch the stream on our FB page
Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting, followed by a Celebration Potluck lunch, is on Sunday, Feb 2 at 9:30. Hope you can come and celebrate St. James!
Budget Hearing - Jan 26 after church
Property Hearing - Jan 19 after church
The Words We Say
What do the words of the Lord’s prayer really mean to us? Explore more here.
The Word Lab
Dive into the complexity of words by looking at an upcoming Sunday text in a variety of different translations. The last Monday of each month at 4pm
The Pocket of Peace
Our weekly Contemplative prayer service on Wednesdays at noon is on Zoom. Join us HERE.